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Year 6: Bewerley Park Trip: Day 1

Day 1:

The children arrived in brilliant sunshine and this continued for the whole afternoon. They wasted no time in getting organised in dormitories (minus making beds) and being issued with kit before lunch and then the first group activities. Some groups have enjoyed stunning views over the moors while learning about features of the valley and rivers. There were a few soggy feet but excellent apple catching as the children tested the speed of the flow. Others have focused on activities around the Bewerley Park centre or on canoes on the mill pond. Mrs Buttery's group were particularly keen to try to capture the beauty of the sunset. It has been a perfect day to be in the open air. Everyone has eaten tea and has successfully battled with duvet covers before tuck shop and evening activities.

First Night Update:

The first evening was full of continued activity with the children enjoying the common room and then an exploration of the centre grounds as they hunted aliens. They worked as teams and encouraged each other to persevere, with some noticing the gradual freezing of the ground. Lots of the children reflected on an amazing first day over supper. The children have been in awe of the surroundings and appreciative of the efforts made by centre and school staff to give the adventure, or comfort, they need. There was an interesting debate at one supper table about whether there were houses for sale in the area because, 'I'm moving here.' The children were tired at bedtime and generally had a good night's sleep in new surroundings. One of the boys commented wisely this morning, 'It is always trickier on the first night.' Although, Mrs Gortzak reports having to wake the children up in her dormitory! The children are currently eating their first breakfast and looking forward to further adventures today.


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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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