Dropping off and collecting children
If you need to use a car to get your child to and from school...
- We request that all car users park away from school and walk to collect their child(ren).
- Parents should not worry if they are a couple of minutes late (unless it’s every day). Staff will not send children out of school. Children who are not collected are taken to the main office and parents are contacted.
- The crossing (that doesn’t have great markings) at the KS2 end of the school is the best place for KS2 pupils to cross The Green to get to and from school.
- The yellow lines (single and double) are our SAFETY ZONE to give pupils and parents clear sight when crossing the road.
- Please do not treat it as a space where you can park because no-one else has.
- Our neighbours get extremely frustrated when people park across their driveways or “chew up” the verges in front of their houses.
- Our voluntary one way system has been reviewed and is still the best way to operate. Please follow it.
If you'd like to cycle to school
We are more than happy for children to come to school on their bikes/scooters, which can be left at school.
Should children wish to leave their bike/scooter at school they are welcome to leave them round by the Fun Factory entrance, in the small, gated area. This area will be locked during the day. If you wish to secure them further they can be to padlocked to the inner fence. We kindly ask for them to be removed each day and not left overnight.
We take no responsibility for any bikes/scooters left at school.
If pupils are scooting/cycling to/from school, we would strongly recommend that they wear a helmet.