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Bewerley Park Day 4

Wow. We were so proud of all the children who helped the teachers and each other organise themselves and settle for a good night's sleep in record time. The energy levels are high and children look ready to take full advantage of their last full day. It shows the value in establishing good routines very early.

The other school, who only arrived yesterday, woke up a bit early (and slightly loudly) in the dormitory near Miss Blakeley's. Fortunately, she has been to Bewerley many times and might be able to take part in this morning's activities with her eyes closed.

The children are currently making sure they have dry waterproofs on their peg so they are ready to get cracking as soon as breakfast has finished.

The weather is set fair, and the wind forecast later should not affect evening activities - the disco.

Here are a few photos of morning challenges - low ropes.




It has been a quite emotional day for us today. Not only have we had a full day of activities but the children have also packed ready to return tomorrow, bought souvenirs and enjoyed a disco. They have also reset the dining hall (disco) for tomorrow so they and the other school can have their breakfast. Their headteacher was amazed, and very grateful.

Some of these activities have gone on all week. But today, it is the last full day and all that means. Most emotional is the realisation that today was the day to make sure you tried something for which you had set yourself a target and that tomorrow we will be saying goodbye to all the staff here and all the experiences.

We were all surprised by a lovely gesture from the Bewerley catering staff. They made us a wonderful 'thank you' chocolate cake saying how much they enjoyed having us all. We know the children will say thank you back tomorrow.

We are all ready to leave the dormitories before breakfast tomorrow morning so we can take part in orienteering in the local woods. We aim to leave at 12.30 to be back around 2.30. I must also thank the incredible school staff who have given up their time being away from their families this week. Mrs Gortzak, Miss Blakeley, Miss Massender, Mrs Allenby and Mrs Buttery have all told me how rewarding it has been to work with the children. We are bringing a lot of dirty and wet clothes home to Scarborough. They have been well used. We also will be bringing a lot of new memories.


A final photos from today.  We should arrive back at school between 2:30 and 3:00pmIMG_7096IMG_7095

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Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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